September Mid Month Mash Up

September Mid Month Mash Up

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Every month, we check-in with our favorite local journalists and bloggers. We get their perspectives on the stories of the day. Then, they tell us about developments in local news that they liked, and ones they disliked. Lastly, they tell us those moments that made them go WTF!?! This month, we talked about butlers in Dubai that make 6-figure incomes, $600,000 doors for the Illinois state Capitol building, and much more. Joining us at the shop: • Maria Zamudio of the Chicago Reporter • Media legend Monroe Anderson • Alex Keefe, Political Reporter, WBEZ. Richard Steele was off for this installment, so Ayana Contreras hosted. The Barber Shop Show streams on Fridays at Noon, with a repeat Saturdays at Noon. On-air, Chicago area listeners can tune into 89.5fm or 90.7fm.