#43b Mark’s final post, and a reminder to come out on 10/10/10

#43b Mark’s final post, and a reminder to come out on 10/10/10

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Door 1_wide canvasDoor 2_wide canvasDoor 3_wide canvas This is my (Mark’s) last post.‚  Before I get too far into it, I would like to remind you that Amy will be having a gathering in Millennium Park on October 10 at 10:10pm.‚  You’re all invited.‚  If you’d like to come, go here and shout “Lovely” in the comment box. As for my last post, I mostly just want to say “bye” and “thanks.”‚  It’s been a pleasure and a privilege, a bang-up good time.‚  And so, for my last bang: My mission is simple, click on one of the doors above.‚  Each door leads to a different mission; each mission written by a different person.‚  If you’ve already accomplished the mission you open, go ahead and accomplish it again.‚  Repetition is often the way to beauty.‚  So I say. Remember, 10/10/10 at 10:10.‚  Lovely. Bye.‚  Thanks.‚  Bye.‚  Thanks, Mark