Good Food Festival & Conference

Good Food Festival & Conference

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Your choices matter! Join individuals, leaders, and businesses that sustain the locally-driven Good Food Movement as we celebrate the joys of food at our family-friendly Festival and be inspired at our industry-driven conference.

Festival highlights include artisan and farmer exhibitors and nationally significant speakers such as Sandor Katz on the Art of Fermentation and Fred Kirschenmann of Stone Barns on Grassroots Biodiversity. The day also offers Do-It-Yourself workshops on growing, making, and preserving food, chef demos with Rick Bayless, Paul Virant and Carrie Nahabedian, Urban Ag and bus tours, and an interactive Kids’ Corner. And don’t miss Steve Dolinsky MC’ing the Kimchi Challenge where Chicago chefs put their best kimchi forward hoping to be crowned the Kimchi Champion! Stop by the Good Food Commons for quick access to knowledgeable farmers and experts to learn more about keeping backyard chickens, canning and composting.

Localicious is the good food party of the season, pairing top chefs with farmers for a food, craft beer and local spirits tasting event you don’t want to miss.

If you’re a trade, school food or policy stakeholder, join us Thursday and Friday for the Tradeshow, Policy Summit, and Financing Farm to Fork Conference. There’s
something for everyone. Join us and experience the movement that’s transforming the way we eat.