Video: Superchunk performs live on Sound Opinions

Video: Superchunk performs live on Sound Opinions
Jim Wilbur, Mac McCaughan and Laura Ballance of Superchunk. WBEZ/Jason Saldanha
Video: Superchunk performs live on Sound Opinions
Jim Wilbur, Mac McCaughan and Laura Ballance of Superchunk. WBEZ/Jason Saldanha

Video: Superchunk performs live on Sound Opinions

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Plenty of virtual ink has been spilled about Superchunk’s first album in almost a decade. DeRo reviewed itHit It Or Quit It talked with Mac and Jessica Hopper wondered what it means to take a victory lap without selling out. Their drummer Jon Wurster even did the Wikipedia Files.

I don’t have much to add to that chorus except to say that Superchunk were one of the first bands that made me care about music. I distinctly remember buying one of my first CDs and hearing an acoustic version of “Throwing Things” on it. That song sounded like classic rock from a parallel universe to me 17 years ago. Now I guess it just qualifies as classic rock.


Throwing Things

This video is part of our Live Music Thursday podcast.

Here’s videos of the rest of the songs Superchunk performed for Sound Opinions. To hear the full show with Superchunk, tune into at 8PM CST on Friday, January 21st.

Digging for Something

Crossed Wires

Hello Hawk