Chicago's NPR News Source

Synagogue Vandalized

The rabbi of a vandalized synagogue on Chicago’s North Side says he hopes to have anti-semitic graffiti cleaned up by the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath on Friday.

The windows of the Hebrew school building are covered with bright red, spray-painted swastikas.

Anti-semitic slurs line the walls of the courtyard.

Philip Leftkowitz is the rabbi of the affected synagogue, the orthodox Agudas Achim North Shore Congregation.

He calls the vandalism a kind of desecration that’s very painful.

Leftkowitz says he’s received phone calls of support, and people in the community have stopped by to offer a hand in cleaning up the graffiti.

A spokesperson for Chicago police would not comment on whether they have a suspect in the case.

But Rabbi Leftkowitz says police have told him they are looking for a specific graffiti tagger.

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