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Daley Says Private Toll Lane "Silly"

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley says allegations that tollbooths were staffed so he wouldn’t get caught in traffic on the way to his home in Michigan are “silly.”

Those allegations surfaced in the city hall corruption trial this week. A former Streets and Sanitation personnel director testified that he was advised about Tollway staffing soon after starting his job.

Daley yesterday would not respond directly to questions on the topic, instead repeating one word over and over.

“It is silly. It is just silly. Silliness, that’s all it is. No, it’s silly. It’s completely silly. I don’t know, it’s just completely silly,” he chuckled.

Daley was also asked about a lane waiting for him on the Chicago Skyway. He said that idea is the silliest thing he ever heard in his life.

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