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Electricity Auction Starting In September Despite Business Opposition

The state’s utility monitoring body has ruled not to extend the start date of the power auction set to take place in September.

A coalition of businesses had asked the Illinois Commerce Commission to wait until November to start the auction process.

In an effort to avoid the high prices of Hurricane season, businesses banded together to try and extend the start of the state’s electricity auction.

But ICC judge Michael Wallace denied the motion saying the claim would disrupt the due process of the entire auction.

The Citizens Utility Board,a utility watchdog group, is not phased by the ruling. The group says the power auction is a bad idea no matter when it happens.

The controversial auction would allow power generating companies to sell energy to ComEd. The lowest bidders get to supply the company with power.

The auction will raise rates by nearly 20 percent spread out over the next three years.

New rates will begin in January.

Meanwhile, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed a complaint last week with the Illinois Supreme Court to stop the auction from happening all together.

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