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Stroger Replacement Plans Heat Up

Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin will introduce an ordinance that calls for Board President John Stroger to step down temporarily.

Stroger suffered a massive stroke almost three months ago, and has not been seen or heard from publicly since.

Under the resolution, Suffredin says a temporary replacement would be named for Stroger until he can resume his duties.

“I think there are a number of decisions that require a chief officer, there a number of documents that probably require a signature, and I think those have been hampered and those are the reasons why we need to sit down and have somebody who is exercising that executive authority,” Suffredin said.

Suffredin says he hopes a vote will come on the issue on June 20th.

Earlier today, Commissioner Bobbie Steele was flanked by a group of boisterous supporters outside of Stroger’s office.

Steele says that if the ordinance passes, she wants the job.

“If this action does take place, the coalition group of citizens today and many others are saying beyond the shadow of a doubt that Bobbie Steele is the best man for the job,” she declared.

Stroger’s son Todd, and U.S. Representative Danny Davis have also been mentioned as possible replacements.

The Stroger family says that the board president will make a decision about his future in July.

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