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Police Torture Report to be Released

The Illinois Supreme Court yesterday denied a request to block portions of a report on alleged police torture in Chicago.

Flint Taylor is with the People’s Law office, a firm that represents some of the nearly 200 people who claim they were victims. He says the Supreme Court’s decision means there are no more roadblocks to release of the report in full.

“With the names of the officers who obstructed the grand jury by taking the 5th and taking other means not to testify,” he says.

The report is the work of two special prosecutors. The Cook County judge who appointed them in 2002 has already ruled for complete disclosure of their findings.

The request to stop that came from an unnamed party to the case. His attorneys say personal information about him should remain secret and isn’t relevant to the investigation. The Illinois Supreme Court disagreed.

The special prosecutors say the report could be ready within two weeks.

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