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Hotel Owners and Union Negotiate Contract

Chicago hotel owners and a labor union are pushing to avoid a work stoppage.

More than 4,000 workers’ contracts have expired and some have threatened a walk out.

Four Hilton hotels reached a tentative agreement with the union, Unite Here, on Thursday, but there are still 4,700 hotel workers without a contract.

That includes workers at 22 Chicago resorts including four Hyatt hotels.

And it’s Hyatt that could be most at risk because workers there have already agreed to strike if negotiations fall through.

Hyatt wouldn’t comment on tape, but released a statement saying the company looks forward to continuing talks with the union and that it’s confident an agreement will be reached.

A union spokesman says he wants the remaining hotels to agree to same three year deal that Hilton did but refused to give specifics.

They are planning to negotiate through the weekend.

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