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Cook County Worried about Possible Voting Problems

Some Cook County commissioners say they won’t put up with the kind of voting machine problems the county experienced in the March primary.

Cook County Clerk David Orr says his office is working to improve training for election judges and to troubleshoot equipment.

“Our chief goal is accuracy. Now the media’s chief goal is, you know, speed. I don’t mean to sound that in a critical way. But the point is, a lot of the folks in the media will scream if things are quote, ‘late.’ But we think the things we’ve done and are doing will make it easier for the judges and make the count both more accurate and hopefully, more timely,” he says.

Orr says this time around precincts won’t have to share equipment, as they did in March.

Cook County Commissioner Peter Silvestri says it’s especially important for the clerk’s office to have efficient communication. That way judges can quickly report equipment troubles. Orr says each precinct will have a specially trained judge to help answer questions.

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