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Hastert Vows to Fire Wrongdoers

House Speaker Dennis Hastert says he’ll fire any of his staff members who covered up information about the Mark Foley sex scandal.

Investigations into the matter are already under way.

Hastert says he doesn’t think anyone in his office did anything wrong.

“If there is a problem, if there was a cover up, then we should find that out through the investigation process,” the Speaker said.

“They’ll be under oath and we’ll find out. If they did cover something up, then they should not continue to have their jobs.”

On Tuesday, Hastert met with an evangelist in Plano who told the Republican he should resign from his position as speaker.

He says Hastert should step down, quote, “for the sake of the country and for the sake of [Hastert’s] future.”

Hastert reiterated he has no intention of doing so.

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