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Illinois Treasurer Debate Heated

The two major party candidates for Illinois treasurer took part in a contentious debate in Chicago today.

Republican State Sen. Christine Radogno touted her legislative record and questioned her opponent’s judgment.

Radogno said her Democratic challenger, banker Alexi Giannoulias, lacks experience.

“It is not just a banking function,” Radogno said. “If it were, we would hire a banker. And if we were to hire a banker, we would hire a banker that had more than three years of experience.”

“We have a candidate here, who can’t even count the number of years I’ve worked in the bank,” Giannoulias said. “So that might be a problem, for someone who is running for state treasurer, but I don’t want to get into that.”

Giannoulias has said he grew up in the family bank, but he’s been an official there about four years.

In today’s debate, he repeatedly called Radogno “a career politician,” and said the state needs new people with “fresh ideas.”

The debate took place at the City Club of Chicago.

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