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Mayoral Challenger Vows to Curb Corruption

While Mayor Daley fended off questions about workers getting disability pay - one of his opponents was outlining an ethics reform plan.

County Court Clerk Dorothy Brown says her ethics package overlaps with some of Daley’s current initiatives.

But Brown says she’ll take a more aggressive approach.

“I’m going to lead from the front, not from the behind. I’m not going to wait for corruption, I’m going to prevent corruption,” she exhorted.

On her list of ethics initiatives, Brown says the city should stop fighting the Shakman Decree in court - that’s the federal ban on political hiring.

She also says the city should do a better job monitoring for abuse - and should electronically regulate hiring.

Brown is one of two declared candidates for mayor.

Congressman Jesse Jackson Junior and Daley have not declared - but are both expected to run

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