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Prosecuting Police Torture Could Get Easier

Illinois Congressman Danny Davis is drafting legislation that would make police torture a felony-with no statute of limitations.

Davis says that’s in response to the fact that no charges have been brought against Chicago Police officers tortured suspects under Police Commander Jon Burge.

Chicago Public Radio’s Ben Calhoun reports.

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Last July investigators released a report-saying they’d found substantial evidence of police torture.

But they said criminal charges were out because the crimes were too old and the statute of limitations had expired.

Congressman Davis says he’s preparing legislation which would make police torture a federal crime without any time limits.

Davis: So that individuals would know that no matter when the atrocity may have been committed, that you can never escape the long arm of the law.

Victims’ advocates and critics of last year’s report have disputed the claim that criminal charges are not an option.

They say there are some charges that could be brought against the police officers involved.

On Wednesday, Cook County officials will hold hearings to discuss last year’s report-and criticism that it was not tough enough.

I’m Ben Calhoun, Chicago Public Radio

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