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Durbin: Consumer Safety In Danger From Imports

Illinois U.S .Senator Dick Durbin says the nation’s Consumer Product Safety Commission is not doing its job to protect citizens from dangerous Chinese imports.

For Chicago Public Radio, Alex Helmick reports.


The nation’s safety commission has an annual budget of $60 million and has to inspect more than 15,000 types of products.

And Durbin says the agency is overwhelmed and under funded.He says that makes products from countries like China dangerous.

Durbin: It has reached the point where ‘Made in China’ has become a warning label to American consumers. Whether it’s pet foods, or toothpaste or toys, think twice about these products.

The Senate’s second ranking democrat says he’s pushing for more funding for the agency and tighter quality regulations on imported goods.

He made those statements at a Congressional Field hearing in Chicago.The hearing was brought on because a toddler died after eating powerful magnets that fell off a toy made in China.

For Chicago Public Radio, I’m Alex Helmick.

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