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Supreme Court Won't Allow Challenge to Faith-based Program

Civil liberties groups say they’re disappointed by a U-S Supreme Court ruling that ordinary taxpayers can’t challenge a White House initiative that helps religious charities get federal money.

Chicago Public Radio’s Jason DeRose reports.


Madison, Wisconsin’s Freedom from Religion Foundation objected to government conferences in which Bush administration officials encourage religious charities to apply for federal grants.

The Supreme court ruled 5 to 4 that those conferences are legal.

Adam Schwartz of the American Civil Liberties Union says the ruling was a narrow one.

It held that taxpayers CAN challenge actions authorized by congress.

SCHWARTZ: But the taxpayers cannot challenge actions that are initiated by the executive branch.

The ruling only addressed whether taxpayers can bring such challenges, not whether the faith-based program itself violates the constitution.

I’m Jason DeRose, Chicago Public Radio.

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