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Chicago Priest Pleads Guilty to Sex Abuse

A Chicago priest today admitted in court that he fondled five young boys.

Chicago Public Radio’s religion reporter Jason DeRose has details.

Prosecutors charged Daniel McCormack with five counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse.

Until today, he had pleaded not guilty.

But extensive meetings between prosecutors and defense attorneys led McCormack to change his plea to guilty.

The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.

Speaking outside the courtroom, Assistant States Attorney Shauna Boliker said the plea agreement spares the victims--all still minors--from taking the stand.

BOLIKER: We’re very proud of the courage of these five children who came forward and and you know said what happened to them and talked about the horrific events at the hand of, you know, a man they trusted.

In court, prosecutors recounted how McCormack would lure his victims to the St. Agatha Parish rectory and school offices and fondle them.

Afterwards, he would offer them gifts or money to keep quiet.

The Archdiocese of Chicago says it will now begin the process of removing McCormack from the priesthood.

I’m Jason DeRose, Chicago Public Radio.

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