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Secret Documents Given to Chicago Aldermen

This morning every Chicago alderman has a document on alleged police misconduct that the city administration is still working to keep secret. For Chicago Public Radio, Robert Wildeboer explains.


The document is a list of 660 police officers who all have had more than 10 complaints filed against them within a five-year period. The city has been fighting, and continues to vigorously fight a lawsuit seeking to make the information public.

But late yesterday Mayor Richard Daley’s corporation counsel did give the information to aldermen, with a hitch. Corporation counsel took out the names of the officers. One unidentified officer was the subject of more than 50 complaints. Many had more than 20.

Mayor Daley says the city can’t release the names of officers because of agreements with police unions. Attorneys pushing for the full release of the information say including the names would uncover weaknesses in the way allegations of police misconduct are currently handled. A federal appeals court will decide whether the complete list, including names, will be made public.

For Chicago Public Radio, I’m Robert Wildeboer.

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