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United Scores Big

The parent company of United Airlines posted its largest quarterly profit in seven years Tuesday. The Chicago-based airline reported second quarter profits of $274 million dollars. For Chicago Public Radio, Sam Hudzik reports.


United’s numbers topped analysts’ predictions, bringing in more than twice the profit as the second quarter last year. David Field is an editor with Airline Business magazine. He says United’s decision to scale back some domestic flights paid off.

FIELD: That’s one of the ways to push up earnings, to cut back capacity. Which has the effect of raising fares by making fewer seats available.

United’s flight attendants’ union used the earnings report to bolster its call for a new contract. Many of United’s front-line workers suffered pay and benefits cuts during the company’s three years in bankruptcy. A union spokesperson says United’s turnaround is a result of employee sacrifices, not corporate decision making.

For Chicago Public Radio, I’m Sam Hudzik.

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