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Blagojevich Misses Beat on Gas Prices

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich likes to portray himself as a man of the people. But it appears he needs to do a little more homework.

It was at a press conference in Chicago Monday, in a room full of about a hundred people. The governor tried to relate to the crowd in a way he’s done before. Talking about his working class roots and his parents.

BLAGOJEVICH: They didn’t go to fancy restaurants, hardly ever went to a restaurant, didn’t have fancy clothes, didn’t drive a fancy car.

Those days are clearly long gone for Blagojevich. Later in the press conference, the governor talked about how the economy is hurting people. Then he began to talk about gas prices... as if it were last month...

BLAGOJEVICH: Price of gas is going to be about four-dollars a gallon...(crowd murmurs, ‘It is’)... See when you’re the governor you don’t fill your gas up.

A recent survey shows Chicago has the highest regular gas prices in the country, at more than four-dollars a gallon.

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