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Blagojevich Likes Ethics Law, But Refuses to Sign It

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich says he supports ethics legislation passed in Springfield, but refuses to say he’ll sign it into law.

The legislation is targeted at so called pay-to-play politics, where people donate to politicians and then get state business. The law would ban people seeking state business from donating to statewide officials who award contracts.

Blagojevich insists he strongly supports the legislation.

BLAGOJEVICH: In fact I’m filled with enthusiasm.

But despite all that enthusiasm, Blagojevich simultaneously refuses to say he’ll sign the bill, saying he first wants to make it even stronger.

BLAGOJEVICH: To use that vehicle in a really positive way. To be significantly better than it is now.

When asked why he wouldn’t sign the legislation as is, and pass additional measures later, the governor declined to answer.

Blagojevich has been dogged by allegations of pay-to-play, including in the corruption trial of his friend, fundraiser and advisor Tony Rezko. The governor has not been charged with any crime and denies any wrongdoing.

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