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Budget Has Yet to Reach Blagojevich's Desk

Those waiting to see what action Illinois’ Governor will take with the recently passed state budget might have to wait a bit longer.

Governor Rod Blagojevich has options on what to do with a spending plan that he calls more than $2 billion out of balance. But he is unable to do anything with it until the measure reaches his desk. When that will happen is unclear.

The House and Senate have 30 days from passing legislation to send it on to the Governor and the Leaders of both chambers appear to be taking their time. A spokesperson for the House Speaker shed no light on how soon the Governor could expect the budget to arrive, and some speculate the delay is a stall tactic so the Governor will be under more pressure once he gets the budget.

If the legislature takes the entire amount of time allowed to send the budget to Blagojevich, he’d have only about a day to act before the new fiscal year begins. Blagojevich could veto the entire budget, reduce line item spending or sign it. He’s likely to face criticism no matter his course of action.

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