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Children's Museum Heads to Grant Park

Children's Museum Heads to Grant Park

After much controversy, the city council today agreed to give the Chicago Children’s Museum a new location. It now has the clearance needed to move from Navy Pier to the North end of Grant Park.

Several hundred protestors packed the lobby outside council chambers before this morning’s meeting. And they were waiting for one thing.

DALEY: This is it, this is it. Everybody set? Ready. This is the children’s museum.

After years of debate and political bickering over the location of the museum, the full council finally debated the matter in what turned into a 3-hour session. The final vote: 33-to-16 with one absent. Mayor Richard Daley recently got some criticism that he was handing out promises to aldermen for their approval of the move. He says that’s not the case.

DALEY: No horse trading. No hee-hawing.

Critics of the move have argued the Children’s Museum will bring unnecessary development along the lakefront. They’ve vowed to fight today’s decision in court.

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