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Mixed Reaction to School Funding Rally

Chicago Public Schools officials now are waiting on state lawmakers. That’s after the district threw a large rally in Soldier Field Tuesday calling for more school funding.

The district bussed in thousands of students to join lawmakers and performers who supported the cause. But Julie Woestehoff isn’t so sure it was a great idea. Woestehoff is director of Parents United for Responsible Education. She agrees there are school funding issues. But she says the district doesn’t treat all schools in Chicago equally.

WOESTEHOFF: We’ve always had a concern about how the Chicago Public Schools spends their money, and if they’re going to use children to promote more money for the system, they really ought to be much more careful about spending that money for every child and not just a certain tier of children.

Ralph Martire says there is a disparity between minority and white schools. Martire heads the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability. He says the issue could be addressed with more funding. And he says the district’s rally was a good way to raise awareness.

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