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Boycott Presses On, Parents Feel Torn

Dozens of busses will be carrying students away from school tomorrow, according to backers of a Chicago school boycott. State Senator James Meeks is leading the protest against school funding inequities.

Julie Woesethoff of Parents United for Responsible Education says many parents are torn about the boycott.

WOESTHOFF: We feel that the funding crisis is so severe, that we agree that major action needs to be taken. And we really commend Reverend Meeks for taking this action. We simply can’t support the piece of it that includes keeping children out of school on a school day.

Woestehoff says it’s the adults who ought to be in the streets, while the kids should stay in school. The boycotters plan to assemble at South and West Side churches tomorrow morning. They intend to leave for New Trier High School in Winnetka around 10 a.m.

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