Chicago's NPR News Source

Emanuel Confident Suburbs Will Turn Blue in November

The presidential race isn’t the only reason political watchers are keeping an eye on Illinois this election. A number of the state’s congressional districts could also be in play, especially in Chicago’s suburbs. Many of those are traditionally Republican districts, but some Democrats say there’s a good chance that could change. Congressman Rahm Emanuel is a leader in the Illinois delegation. He says the Democrats have lined up candidates who resonate with moderate voters.

EMANUEL: If you go back over the last eight years, we’ve been making steady progress in areas in parts of the state where people thought Democrats couldn’t win, but it all comes down to this: who represents change?

Around Chicago, some highly contested Congressional races are the 10th District in the northern suburbs, the 11th District south of the city, and the 14th District that sprawls through western Illinois.

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