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CHA Considers Work Exemption for Domestic Violence Victims

The Chicago Housing Authority is considering giving a work exemption to some vulnerable residents.

Earlier this year the housing agency passed a requirement that says adult renters must work to keep their apartment.

But there are some safe harbor clauses such as if someone has trouble finding a job.

That umbrella might now include victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.

WALZ: It may at times not be safe for a victim of violence to be working. There may still be ongoing violence or a threat of violence. It may be that they’re in the process of really needing to focus on emotional recovery.

Kate Walz is with the Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law. It worked with the mayor’s office on domestic violence on this issue.

CHA officials say this new safe harbor is good policy. The board votes on it next month.

I’m Natalie Moore, Chicago Public Radio.

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