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Marshall Field's Fans Continue Protest

Marshall Field's Fans Continue Protest

Marshall Field’s fans protest Macy’s (WBEZ/Adriene Hill)

Some Marshall Field’s fans still haven’t given up hope. They protested today to mark the 2nd anniversary of the store’s transition to Macy’s.

PROTEST TAPE: Field’s is Chicago…boycott Macy’s. Field’s is Chicago…boycott Macy’s.

A few dozen protestors carried signs outside the former Marshall Field’s flagship store at State and Washington in downtown Chicago. Robyn Brewer was one of them, she says she wants her department store back.

BREWER: I grew up here. It’s just where I can come to get whatever I needed.

Another protestor carried a cut out of Barack Obama with the message—Marshall Field’s? Yes, we can. Alison Kuperman walked past the protest this afternoon.

KUPERMAN: I can understand from one point, I think Chicago is sort of nostalgic for Marshall Field’s and probably wants that. But on the other hand, I think there are probably some more important things to be fighting.

Some protestors say they’re not planning to give up the battle any time soon.
I’m Adriene Hill, Chicago Public Radio.

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