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Austria, Europe, and the US: A New Honeymoon after the Presidential Elections?

Austria, Europe, and the US: A New Honeymoon after the Presidential Elections?

Anton Pelinka


According to Anton Pelinka, problems in our transatlantic relationship are the combined consequence of specific American interests, which are independent of any given presidency, and the European inability to speak with one voice. It is thus inevitable that the new US administration will disappoint some European expectations.

Anton Pelinka is professor of political science and nationalism studies at the Central European University, Budapest, and director of the Institute of Conflict Research, Vienna.

This presentation is part of the Dietrich W. Botstiber Series and is made possible by that foundation. Presented in collaboration with the Austrian Consulate General of Chicago.


Recorded Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at Goethe-Institut Chicago.

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