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Concurrent Roundtables on Cross-Border Infrastructure Challenges in the Great Lakes Megaregion: Water

Concurrent Roundtables on Cross-Border Infrastructure Challenges in the Great Lakes Megaregion: Water

(Photo by Michael Prischman)


Freight congestion, aging bridges, insufficient mass transit, brownouts, soaring energy costs, flooding, and polluted waters – all news in recent years, and all partially the results of continued strain on our nation’s infrastructure. At the same time, the need for an economic stimulus is greater than ever. The presidential election in November 2008 gives us a fresh opportunity to set a new agenda for infrastructure investment in the Great Lakes megaregion to revive the flagging economy and to compete globally.

During this all-day symposium, Chicago’s Metropolitan Planning Council and New York’s Regional work to identify and prioritize strategic investments in transportation, water, and energy to be included in a national infrastructure plan, authorization of a new surface transportation bill, pending climate change legislation, and implementation of the Great Lakes Compact.

This recording includes a roundtable that focuses on water issues in the Great Lakes megaregion; participants include:

*Katherine Baer, Senior Director for Clean Waters, American Rivers
*Cameron Davis, President, Alliance for the Great Lakes
*MaryAnn Dickinson, Executive Director, Alliance for Water Efficiency
*Debra Shore, Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
*Samuel W. Speck, Commissioner, International Joint Commission
*Moderator: Al Appleton, Former Commissioner, New York City Department of Environmental Protection

Also recorded as part of this symposium:

* Rebuilding and Renewing America: Infrastructure Choices in the Great Lakes Megaregion / An America 2050 Forum (Morning Session)

* Concurrent Roundtables on Cross-Border Infrastructure Challenges in the Great Lakes Megaregion: Energy

* Concurrent Roundtables on Cross-Border Infrastructure Challenges in the Great Lakes Megaregion: Transportation

* Rebuilding & Renewing America: MPOs in the Great Lakes Megaregion

* Rebuilding and Renewing America: Report out from the Roundtables and Closing Remarks


Recorded Monday, November 17, 2008 at Hyatt Regency Chicago.

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