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Chicago 2016 Bid Gets Boost from Obama

Chicago’s bid for the 2016 Olympic Games got a little boost Friday from the next President of the United States.

Officials from the four finalist cities for the 2016 Games are in Istanbul, Turkey Friday. They’re making presentations before the European Olympic Committee. But only one city had the next U.S. President vying for it.

OBAMA: Members of the International Olympic Committe, ladies and gentlemen.

Chicago-native and president-elect Barack Obama appeared in a taped video before the crowd.

OBAMA: While I’m unable to be there in person, I wanted to take this opportunity to speak with you because I deeply believe in the Olympic mission and have long supported hosting the Olympic and paralympic Games in my home city of Chicago.

But even with Obama’s endorsement, Chicago faces tough competition. Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro and Madrid are the other three finalists. The International Olympic Committee is expected to make its final decision in October of next year.

Watch Obama’s video message.

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