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Vote Expected Today to Override Veto of Sales Tax Cut

Cook County commissioners could vote to repeal a veto from Board President Todd Stroger today. Stroger has blocked several attempts to cut the county’s sales tax rate.

This attempt to cut the sales tax rate is different from the past. The proposal initially got 14 commissioners on board. That’s the bare minimum for a veto-proof majority.

The veto override did appear to be in danger recently when Commissioner Roberto Maldonado was appointed to the Chicago City Council. But ward committeemen gathered to name Illinois State Trooper Edwin Reyes to his seat just yesterday. Reyes says he plans to vote for the override.

President Stroger has offered alternate plans to lower the sales tax rate, but he says this measure would mean cuts to county services. Under the plan, the cut in the sales tax rate would occur at the beginning of next year.

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