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IOC Member Says President Obama's Presence Important to Olympic Vote

An International Olympic Committee member says if President Obama doesn’t show up for the 2016 vote, it will be noticed. Canadian Richard Pound says the heads of state from the other three countries are expected.

POUND: I don’t think there’s an IOC member on the planet that wouldn’t love to meet your president. He’s a transformational figure in the world today. The fact that he would be there and you could meet him, and he would get up and say the United States of America is behind these Games, that’s a big difference.

Pound says sending Michelle Obama alone might carry the risk of sending the message the president’s too busy.

The contest between Chicago, Tokyo, Madrid and Rio de Janeiro is tight.

Pound says voting may come down to which city is viewed as the lowest risk. He spoke at a conference at DePaul University.

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