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Audit Shows Irregularities at Tollway Authority

A new audit released today shows some shoddy record-keeping at the troubled Illinois Tollway Authority.

The state’s tollway authority has been under scrutiny after coming up in the indictment of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. He’s accused of pressuring construction company executives to contribute to his campaign.

The agency is also having some financial issues with the former operator of the tollway oases. A company hired to run the stops defaulted on its lease and owes millions in back rent.

In analyzing the agency’s record books, the Illinois Auditor General’s office reports the tollway overstated its lease of the oasis system by $1.6 million dollars. The audit also found the tollway had nearly $400 million in investments that were classified without a credit rating. All of the necessary changes were made in the tollway’s final financial statements.

The chairman of the tollway board was replaced in August.

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