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What's Sin Got to Do With It? An Even Deadlier Book Launch

What's Sin Got to Do With It? An Even Deadlier Book Launch

Al Gini


We are fascinated by sin. We are drawn to it, even when we know it’s wrong. We want to be good, but we are always tempted to be bad. And so, we need the concept of sin to keep us on the straight and narrow. Stop Smiling offers an amusing tongue-in-cheek lecture on what the seven deadly sins are all about to celebrate the publication of Even Deadlier, a new anthology published by The Great Books Foundation. Even Deadlier is a sequel to The Seven Deadly Sins Sampler and includes 14 short story masterpieces that spark reflection on the ancient concept of sin.

The event features Al Gini, who wrote the prefaces to both Even Deadlier and The Seven Deadly Sins Sampler. Gini is a professor of business ethics at Loyola University Chicago and the author of several books, including The Importance of Being Lazy and Why It’s Hard to Be Good. He can be regularly heard as the Resident Philosopher on National Public Radio’s Chicago affiliate, WBEZ-FM.


Recorded Wednesday, December 09, 2009 at Stop Smiling Storefront.

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