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Icy Temps Cause Some Meters to Freeze

Today’s bitterly cold temperatures are hitting some of Chicago’s parking meters. But not everyone gets a free spot.

AN: The car thermometer is teetering between 8 and 9 degrees. I’ve got my credit card, I’m going to try and feed the meter. I’m hitting the buttons. Oh, too bad. It actually worked.

This kiosk on Grand Avenue was working, but earlier this morning some boxes around the city were reportedly frozen.

LEVELLE: Anytime you have drastic changes in temperature and freezing conditions, you may experience some problems with mechanical things. And these are at their essence mechanical things.

That’s Avis LaVelle, a spokeperson for Chicago Parking Meters, LLC, the company that operates the pay boxes. She says crews are out thawing any problem machines and applying a lithium grease around the buttons. LaVelle says the cold affected only a few kiosks, and at least 98 percent of the machines were working properly today.

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