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Comptroller Hynes Says Illinois Owes $9 Billion

Comptroller Hynes Says Illinois Owes $9 Billion

Comptroller Dan Hynes (AP/File)

Illinois backlog of bills is growing. Comptroller Dan Hynes says the state now owes more than $5 billion and counting.

Comptroller Dan Hynes says his office can’t pay the $5 billion backlog because Illinois doesn’t have the money. He says it means that schools, mass transit agencies, health care providers and vendors who supply Illinois with goods and services are often having to wait about four and a half months for reimbursement. He also says, combined with other debts, Illinois has nearly $9 billion outstanding. Hynes says it’s the most dangerous fiscal condition the state has ever been in.

Hynes, who’s trying to pry the Democratic gubernatorial nomination from Pat Quinn, blames the governor.

HYNES: We are continuing to slide downward financially because the governor’s been unable and unwilling to deal with the fiscal crisis, and continues to want to borrow his way out of the problem.

Hynes says Quinn has resorted to borrowing money so he can push off hard budget decisions until after the February 2nd primary election.

Quinn has blamed Hynes for staying on the sidelines during his failed attempts to pass an income tax increase.

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