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Parking Meter Violators Could Catch A Break

A new parking proposal could give drivers a break with expired meters in Chicago.

Mayor Richard Daley today proposed to the city council a five minute grace period for parking meter violations. Bea Reyna-Hickey is the director of Chicago’s Revenue Department. She says city workers are asked to use their discretion in writing tickets for recently expired meters, and this measure would give drivers some extra help if their time runs out.

REYNA-HICKEY: Sometimes you don’t know if it’s just within the last few minutes. So this codifies it. It makes it a valid offense. We will withdraw them.

The grace period would only be valid for one offense per car each year. Reyna-Hickey says that extra five minutes is being generous.

REYNA-HICKEY: You’re avoiding a $50 ticket. So I think that’s a very big break.

Mayor Daley says he’s proposing the grace period after Chicago residents voiced their dissatisfaction with the handling of the city’s 75-year parking meter lease deal.

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