Chicago's NPR News Source

Mission Accomplished: ATM! Always Trust Magic (photos included)

So much can happen in a week.

I was reminded that you don’t always need to know where you’re going before you take your first step. That the path has a tendency to properly unfold if you let it.

What I mean is: I didn’t have “all this” (this blog) perfectly worked out in my head before I said yes to it and jumped in. Of course the key things were there (general idea, really good gut feeling, wonderful collaborators at WBEZ/Vocalo)…but there were many unknowns. I mean, I’ve never technically blogged before.

But here we are. We’ve done something together! Just look at all those passionate comments below (from Monday’s post). Just look at my favorite photos that came in this week!

Thank you all for being here and helping lead the way. Many of your comments and e-mails were signed off with “ATM!” Therefore, this blog officially has a new motto: ATM! Always Trust Magic. I don’t know if we’re going to hit our 15,000 page view goal by end of day or not; time will tell. But either way, as far as I’m concerned: Mission accomplished everyone.

See you back here Monday.

ATM! Always Trust Magic,

miss amy k.r.

(ed note: Amy is at about 9k pageviews. She needs 6k to make her goal by end of day. I, for one, am going to push to get this free drink!)

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