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Another Sales Tax Roll Back Could Be Considered

Another sales tax roll back came up during the Cook County Board meeting, today. The proposal received a cold welcome.

Commissioner Tony Peraica proposed a sales tax roll back at today’s board meeting. Commissioners already voted to roll back the tax by 1.25 percent last month.

Peraica says another half a percentage point decrease is needed because of high unemployment rates.

PERAICA: The African American community, it’s probably 40-50 percent unemployment among males in particular. This is not the way to help them. The way to help those folks is to let them keep their money.

Many commissioners like Deborah Sims oppose the idea saying the extra tax is needed for county hospitals. Sims accused Peraica of being racist and introducing the measure for political reasons.

SIMS: He’s doing this because he’s in a highly contested race, and he knows it.

Commissioners voted 11 to 6 to defer the measure to the finance committee.

Unfiltered: Raw audio of floor debate and vote.

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