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Republicans React to the State of the Union Speech

Republicans React to the State of the Union Speech

President Barack Obama during the State of the Union Address (AP)

Illinois Republicans are reacting to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address. Congressman Peter Roskam from Chicago’s western suburbs calls the speech a mixed message. Roskam says he’s surprised Obama defended the stimulus bill when many in his district are still unemployed.

ROSKAM: The majority of the country has come up with an opinion on the stimulus and that is it failed. And it failed to meet the goals of unemployment peaking 8 percent. And it’s also within the context of this incredible spending that’s been happening.

Roskam says Obama’s plan to freeze spending in 2011 comes too late. He thinks budget cuts should come quicker. Roskam applauds the President for a few things. He likes Obama’s plan to export more goods.

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