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Kirk Continues to Hit Broadway Bank Problems

Kirk Continues to Hit Broadway Bank Problems

Alexi Giannoulias. (AP file/Seth Perlman)

Illinois Congressman Mark Kirk is once again hitting out at his Democratic opponent for the U.S. Senate.

Kirk continues to accuse state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias of helping bring his family-run bank to the brink of collapse. The bank is facing seizure from the federal government. Kirk says the treasurer needs to address how he was involved in giving out loans that damaged the bank’s portfolio.

KIRK: I think there’s no question that Alexi Giannoulias bears direct, personal responsibility for reckless loans that could bankrupt the Broadway Bank.

Giannoulias says he hasn’t worked at Broadway Bank in four years. Senior Illinois U.S. Senator Dick Durbin is heading Giannoulias’s campaign. Durbin says the treasurer will address his involvement in the bank soon.

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