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Fun Marching Forth results and questions for you

Well, we absolutely have to begin with this clip of Gemma’s mom and dad dutifully marching forth at their daughter’s direction. How cute is this, how cute are they? I’ve looped it (since it was the one and only video submitted!) and set it to Dave Matthew’s song “Ants Marching.”

As for the rest of you, here’s a list of who started what yesterday:

Ian: that YA novel

Jessica:told her crush that he was her crush

Dee:started yoga

Rachel: Opened up an Etsy shop in honor of her father’s passing exactly one year ago to the day

Pam: panoramic black and white portraiture

Tandra:collage/art project

Christina:Got that sewing machine going

Lisa: Finished thank you notes

Kimber:Began French lessons

Sarah: Hooked up that Wii Fit

Rosa:Write that story

Gemma:Sewing underwear out of recycled fabric (in addition to filming her parents marching!)

Cool list, I think. And I hope it went well for all of you above…

So as we continue to march forth here at MISSion Amy K.R., I’d love to know what missions so far are speaking to/working for you. It’s a new thing for all of us, and I’m just feeling my way here. I can tell that the idea to film yourself/others marching forth did not resonate with many/any (except dear Gemma!)…which of course is 100% fine…just led me to ask the question as we part ways for the week.

If you are so inclined, leave a comment about what missions you’ve really liked so far, what you’d like to see more of, less of, any thoughts/suggestions at all…

Mission Accomplished, everyone!

Special thank you again to Gemma.

And special Happy Birthday wish to my bro-in-law Mark!!!

miss amy k.r.

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