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Illinoisans Stay in D.C. for Immigration Push

Illinoisans Stay in D.C. for Immigration Push

An immigration rally at the National Mall on Sunday(AP/Jacquelyn Martin)

Hundreds of immigrant advocates from Illinois are staying on in the nation’s capital today. They’re trying to build political pressure following a large rally there yesterday. We report from Washington.

Audio Slideshow: On the road with undocumented youths.

Some Illinois activists are planning to join a march this morning to the Republican National Committee.

Noel Castellanos of the Chicago-based Christian Community Development Association has a meeting with top White House aides about immigration.

And Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Chicago) is planning to fire up labor activists to lobby on Capital Hill.

Among speakers at the rally, Gutiérrez got the warmest welcome from a crowd that organizers called 200,000 strong.

GUTIERREZ: And I see the light of justice, shining on the Capitol behind us, where comprehensive immigration reform will be passed. Can you see it with me?

An overhaul that Gutiérrez proposed in December includes a path to legal status for millions of undocumented immigrants.

That’s made him a target of some Tea Party activists. They’re planning protests April 15 against what they’re calling an unfair amnesty.

Audio Slideshow: On the road with undocumented youths.

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