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Indiana Joins Fight Against Health Care Changes

Indiana Joins Fight Against Health Care Changes

The state of Indiana will join with other states in challenging the health care overhaul signed into law by President Barack Obama.

Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller says the health care changes raise serious constitutional issues.

Zoeller says it’s unclear whether Congress has the authority to enact the law’s mandate that most Americans must purchase health insurance.

Indiana becomes the 15th state to challenge the federal government over the historic legislation and the second Midwest state after Michigan.

All but one of the states filing challenges are lead by Republican governors.

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels objects to the health care changes. Last week Daniels stopped new enrollments into an insurance program for low-income Hoosiers.

Daniels alleged the national health care overhaul “annihilates” the Healthy Indiana Plan because it forces participants into Medicaid.

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