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Chicago Aldermen Fail to Keep Control of Street Sweepers

Chicago Aldermen Fail to Keep Control of Street Sweepers

Some Chicago aldermen today failed in their attempt to keep control of street sweepers in the city.

Three Chicago aldermen called for a special session of the City Council to discuss nothing else but street sweepers. The mayor wants to reduce the number of sweepers from 50 to 40 to save money. But the mayor didn’t show up to today’s meeting. And neither did 25 aldermen.

Alderman Bernie Stone led the meeting.

STONE: The meeting’s still adjourned because there is no quorum present. Meeting is adjourned.

Alderman Joe Moore, who led the charge against reducing the sweepers, says he’s not happy about the way the mayor made the cuts.

MOORE: In the future, members of the city council really need to be consulted rather than be told after the fact.

That said, Moore says he can live with 40 sweepers in the city. Under the changes, each alderman will have control of a street sweeper for four days out of the week.

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