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Special City Council Meeting called for Street Sweeping Cuts

Special City Council Meeting called for Street Sweeping Cuts

Some Chicago aldermen have called a special meeting of the full city council today. It’s over an issue that has aldermen drawing battle lines.

All the fuss is over street sweeping.

In an effort to save money, Mayor Richard Daley has proposed reducing the number of street sweeping trucks.

Alderman Joe Moore opposes the plan and called for today’s full council session. He says he wants things to stay the same: One street sweeper for each of the 50 wards.

MOORE: The proposed system for street sweeping is ill conceived and will create a city that is much dirtier than it currently is.

A spokesperson for the mayor says Daley won’t be attending today’s meeting. The same goes for Alderman James Balcer, who supports Daley’s plan.

BALCER: The state has cut back, everybody’s cutting back. So you have to start adjusting to this.

At least seven aldermen have signed off on today’s special meeting.

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