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Asian Carp Testimony Continues Today

Asian Carp Testimony Continues Today

There will be more legal wrangling over Asian carp today. The State of Michigan has filed a lawsuit to keep the invasive fish out of Lake Michigan.

So far, much of the legal debate over Asian carp has centered around the DNA of the fish and where it’s been found. The State of Michigan has to prove Asian carp have either entered Lake Michigan or that the fish is almost there. And the DNA shows that. A Notre Dame ecologist already testified he’s collected water samples with carp DNA from rivers right on the doorstep of Lake Michigan.

Today, another expert from Italy is expected to testify about sampling DNA from aquatic animals. He’s published research on frogs, but not carp.

Ultimately, the State of Michigan hopes all this DNA testimony will convince a federal judge to close the waterways that lead into Lake Michigan.

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