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Judge to Consider Blagojevich Finances

Judge to Consider Blagojevich Finances

Ex-Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich today could find out how many lawyers he will be allowed to have for his re-trial.

Blagojevich wants to be declared as an indigent defendant, meaning he’d get public defenders to represent him in court against the 23 corruption charges he faces.

The matter falls into the hands of the judge, James Zagel, who wants more information about the former governor’s financial status. Blagojevich paid for his team of lawyers during the first trial by using money from his previous campaigns.

But that’s now dried up. Blagojevich’s attorney points out there’s money in the ex-governor’s house, but he’s never heard of a judge forcing a defendant to go homeless to pay for a legal defense.

In his last trial, Blagojevich was found guilty of lying to the feds.

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